BDML.ZIP Duke Match level! It has really cool hiding spots.
BH4.ZIP The Ulitmate Boothill Level 4 (Dukematch, converted level using Wad2map).
BLOWNUP.ZIP Sreen shot of Duke Nukem blowing up one of the women.
BUILDCMD.ZIP Helper File for the Build Edit a test level.
BUNKER2.ZIP Bunker 2 -new level.
BVARKMAP.ZIP Dukematch Level.
B_GUIDE.ZIP Unofficial Guide to Build.
CASDUKE.ZIP Castle map (neat secret entrance).
CITYLIT.ZIP Just A "simple" Duke-Match Level.
CITY_1.ZIP City Level.
CONGO4.ZIP Congo 4 - new level.
CORPRATE.ZIP Dukematch Level.
C_HOUSE.ZIP Demonstrates eight sectors over sectors in a house.
D3DARENA.ZIP Arena - Port of Doom's Ledges WAD.
D3DFAQ08.ZIP The Official Duke Nukem 3D FAQ v0.8.
D3DLVEDT.ZIP Level editor.
D3DOVER.ZIP Dover - Pits you against the Cycloid Emperor in E3M9 in "Piece of Cake" mode. God Mode is on, and you have all 10 weapons at your disposal.
D3DRILL.ZIP Dukematch.
DAYOFF.ZIP Map (real good for Dukematch).
DEMOLISH.ZIP Demolish for Dukematch.
DESSLIT.ZIP Just A "simple" Duke-Match Level.
DEVMAP9.ZIP Spaze Ballz 9! For more then 2 player Dukematch.
DISCRETE.ZIP Discrete v1.0. Huge single player.
DMDUKE1.ZIP DukeMatch One. Fast DukeMatch plays well in Spawn or No Spawn modes. Underwater area. Hidden goodies. Has monsters and is very challenging in solo mode, but has no exit or final goal. Just go for 100% kills.
DN3DANIS.ZIP Animated Cursors for Windows 95.
DN3DED02.ZIP The Unoffical Duke Nukem 3D Editing FAQ v0.2.
DN3DFAQ.ZIP FAQ Revision v2.0 (10.04.96).
DN3DGR01.ZIP More gore for Duke Nukem. Correctes error on loading of game. Patch provides more gore and neat effects.
DNULTRA.ZIP Ultragore Gore.
DOOMPOOL.ZIP Pools Of Doom! (Single Player, DukeMatch).
DOWNUNDR.ZIP DukeMatch plays well in Spawn or No Spawn modes. Underwater area. Hidden goodies. Has monsters and is very challenging in solo mode, but has no exit or final goal.
DRKMAPS.ZIP Dukematch Level.
DROPDEAD.ZIP Drop Dead (Dukematch).
DUKBATLE.ZIP Duke Battle (Single Player, Dukematch).
DUKE97.ZIP Duke 97.Map (Dukematch).
DUKEFAQ.ZIP Cheat codes, Secrets, and General info on the Duke Nukem 3D Shareware game. Lists secrets of all levels but the launch facility.
DUKEIT.ZIP You've played DUKE 3D. You killed a little. You got killed a little. You cheated a bit. You got cheated a bit. Now you want to kick some mother Butt! Here is a beautiful way how.
DUKEM69.ZIP DukeMatch69.
DUKEMALL.ZIP Duke Mall (DukeMatch).
DUKEPCX.ZIP This is a secret message I found on the level called Death Row.
DUKEPROX.ZIP Proxyon Military Base. (Single Player DukeMatch).
DUKERES.ZIP Resolution Canger v1.2. Run Duke Nukem 3D Shareware v1.3d in any resolution you want to as long as your video card and monitor can support it.
DUKEWALK.ZIP Walk through and information reference for the shareware version of 3D Realm's Duke Nukem 3D.
DUKE_SAV.ZIP Saved game that puts you at the end of Level 5 in the boss's room, just walk foward and give the boss hell.
DUKMAPS.ZIP First Maps- Look at Hockey.Map.
DWL2DUKE.ZIP Dweller II Duke.
D_PUKEM.ZIP Simple map. All weapons & some babes.
EJCITY.ZIP EJCity. (DukeMatch).
FINAL9.ZIP DukeMatch Level.
FIRELANE.ZIP Fire Lane (Single/DukeMatch).
FLANOR.ZIP New level.
FOXBASE.ZIP Fox Base (Dukematch).
FUNBUDDY.ZIP FunBuddy DukeMatch Level.
GBHOME.ZIP Greg House. Dukematch only level with lots of vents and teleporters.
H2H_DM1.ZIP New Dukematch Level. First in a series of Dukematch levels from the designers on the Head to Head Gaming Network.
HARM1.ZIP Harm -new level.
HCDEVARM.ZIP Hoopla City Armour Hack.
HOLLIDAY.ZIP The Duke's Happy Holliday (Single Player).
HOTEL3.ZIP Hotle - new level.
HUGE1.ZIP Hugemap (Dukematch).
HUGE2.ZIP Huge - new level.
H_LEDGES.ZIP H-Ledges. (DukeMatch).
ISLAND10.ZIP Island1.Map (Single Player).
ITSATRIP.ZIP Its a Trip.Map (Single Player DukeMatch Level)
JL_APTMT.ZIP Jenn's Apartment (Dukematch).
KICKASS2.ZIP DukeMatch Level.
KILLERV3.ZIP Killer Death Match Level v3.0.
LEGOLAND.ZIP Dukematch only.
LUNAR1.ZIP Lunar - new level.
MANCAR2.ZIP ManCar - Fast new Level.
MANCER01.ZIP Mancer01.MAP. Fast paced. Two players. Never really slows down but at times it will. I think I'm gonna recommend 2 - 4 players. No more than 4 or the level will become a total war zone!
MAPFAQ02.ZIP Map Editing FAQ v0.2. (incl. Some Demo-Maps).
NASTY24.ZIP Nasty (DukeMatch).
NEXTREME.ZIP NEXtreme (Single Player/Dukematch).
NITESTLK.ZIP Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch Level.
PNTBALL.ZIP Paint Ball (DukeMatch).
RADMAN.ZIP RadMan - DukeMatch Level.
ROSS1B5.ZIP DukeMatch Level.
RUNNGUN.ZIP Run `N Gun - new level.
RYANB01.ZIP Dukematch 01. Dukematch Level. 2 Players only! Fast compact level with all weapons and a few secrets.
SAND_1.ZIP The Sands of Time Level.
SEBRING.ZIP Sebring - new level.
SEVEN04.ZIP Se7en v.04. Fast with lots of frags for any amount of players.
SHDWDUKE.ZIP Shadows Dukematch - new level.
SINISTER.ZIP Sinister - Dukematch Level.
SLUGFEST.ZIP Slug Festival. Based on an old Doom II Deathmatch level. As the name suggest it is a Slugfest. (Dukematch).
SOIDM1.ZIP Soi's City Level.
STRMINE.ZIP Strange Mine (Dukematch).
SUPERDMO.ZIP Super Secret for v1.3D Demo.
S_DAYS.ZIP School Days (Single Player).
TELELAND.ZIP Tele Land - new level.
THEHOLE.ZIP The Hole (Dukematch).
TOMMAP.ZIP Tom Map - Dukematch Level.
TSUBWAY.ZIP Subway.Map - new level.
USEMAPS_.ZIP Demonstrates on how to use MAP files with Duke 3d.
WAD2MAP.ZIP Converts old Doom WAD's to Duke MAP files.
WAREHS12.ZIP warehouse - Single Player Level.
WATER9B.ZIP Multiplayer supports only two people right now.